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Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

cara menambahkan widget/gadget di blogger

Cara Menambahkan Widget / Gadget di Bloger

Untuk menambahkan Gadget, pertama harus masuk ke account blogger sobat.di blogger dashboard  pilih blog  yang sobat ingin tambahkan widget / gadget,  pilih tata letak.

Cara Menambahkan dan Mengatur Gadget / Widget di Blogger

Di sisi kiri, sisi kanan (sesuai dengan desain template) dan bawa. Sobat akan melihat tambah gadget. Klik Tambah Gadget dan sobat akan diarahkan ke bagian Gadget dari blogger.

Cara Menambahkan dan Mengatur Gadget / Widget di Blogger

Ada banyak widget atau gadget yang telah disediakan, silahkan sobat pilih sesuai keinginan sobat untuk mendesign blog sobat.

Cara Menambahkan dan Mengatur Gadget / Widget di Blogger

Pilih widget atau gadget sesuai pilihan sobat  dan mengubah pengaturan yang sesuai. Sekarang klik pada simpan dan widget atau gadget ini akan muncul di daerah tata letak sobat.

Cara Mengatur Tata Letak Widget / Gadget di Bloger

Sobat dapat mengatur widget / gadget hanya dengan menarik (drag ketempat yang sobat inginkan). Jika sudah, simpan pengaturan. Atau sobat juga dapat melakukan pratinjau dengan mengklik pratinjau yaitu melihat tampilan yang sudah sobat rubah / atur sesuai tata letak yang diinginkan sebelum menyimpan. Buka blog sobat untuk melihat widget / gadget yang telah anda tambah.

Senin, 19 Maret 2018

big days in india

big days in india
Image result for new year in india
1. New year,Big city such as Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai organize live concerts which are attended by Bollywood stars and other well-known personalities. Large crowds gather to attend such shows, while some individuals prefer to celebrate with their close friends and family members. The fun filled occasion is considered a great opportunity to get closer to the loved ones in your life and to revive contact with lost friends. The idea is to wave goodbye to the year gone-by and welcome the New Year in the hope that it will invite truckloads of happiness and joy in everyone’s life.

2.Army Day is celebrated on 15 January every year in India, in recognition of Field Marshal Kodandera M. Cariappa's (then a Lieutenant General) talking over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from General Sir Francis Butcher , the last British Commander-in-Chief of India, on 15 January 1949. The day is celebrated in the form of parades and other military shows in the national capital New Delhi as well as in all headquarters.

3.The idea of commemorating the Foundation Day of the Council, 4th March; and the first National Safety Day (NSD) Campaign was launched in 1972 and has since been organised every year. The Campaign now entering its 47th year, has grown into a major national campaign widely celebrated by industry, trade unions, govt. departments, regulatory agencies, NGOs and institutions with the active support of the Central and State Governments and media. It has made impact on the industrial scenario at the national level by contributing to increased safety awareness and reduction in accidents. Started for a single day on 4th March as NSD, the Campaign has now been spread over a week from 4-11 March.

4.organ donation day Organ Donation Day in India is celebrated on 13th of August every year by the people, government organizations and other related professions in order to motivate normal human beings to donate the organs as well as to understand the value of organ donation in the life of an individual. The organ donor can be anyone of which the organ can be transplanted to the patient urgently require. The organ donated by the normal human being is saved properly to transplant into the patient whenever he or she require. One can get the new life through the organ transplantation donated by someone.

5.Children's day was begun on the second Sunday of June in 1856 by Reverend Dr. Charles Leonard, pastor of the Universalist Church of the Redeemer in Chelsea, Massachusetts: Dr. Leonard held a special service dedicated to, and for the children. Dr. Leonard named the day Rose Day, though it was later named Flower Sunday, and then Children's Day.

6.The Indian Navy is the branch of the armed forces that guards the country’s coastal areas. But you probably know that. Commanded by the President of India and the Chief of Naval Staff, the navy plays an important role in maintaining peaceful relations with its neighboring countries on the maritime front. You probably knew that too. Another major part of the Navy’s responsibility is to provide relief in times of natural disasters like floods, cyclones and tsunamis.